Become a Member

Come and join your local club!

Beginner, returner or high flyer, new members are always welcome at Melrose Golf Club!

Payment can be made annually or monthly with no additional charge for monthly payments. Please note that agreeing to monthly payments means making a commitment to pay for the full year.

Members of the club have full access to competitions, outings and unlimited play on the course. Ours is a small club and as such you have many opportunities to just turn up and play. Any brief waiting time can be pleasantly used on the clubhouse benches watching players come in at the 9th/18th.

If you wish to join, please apply using the online form below, or by contacting the membership secretary. Forms are also available to download here, or on the Notice Board in the club house.

The green of a golf course. there are two players on the green. One is playing, the other stands to the side holding the flag.
The 9th geeen

Membership Fees

Ladies & Gents CategoriesAnnual Payment OptionMonthly Installment Option
Full (Ordinary)£352.80£29.40 monthly +
£17 one-off payment
Country (Living more than 30 miles from club)£283.00£23.63 monthly
+ £17 one-off payment
18-25 Years£252.00£21.00 monthly
+ £17.00 one off payment
Student£132.30£11.03 monthly
Junior£30.45Not available
Junior Plus (Playing in adult competitions)£72.45Available on request
Non-playing£10.00 Single/ £12.00 FamilyNot available